LaTeX in Jekyll

Hint: Please follow this for the Hugo integration as of 2023. Reference equations like so \eqref{mylabel}. And define them like so: $$ \label{diffint} \frac{\mathrm{d}}{\mathrm{d} x} \int e^{x}\,dx = e^{x} $$ ...

February 21, 2020 · 191 words

Render objects based on their type in TypeScript

Recently, my colleague T — a big fan of statically typed languages and working with Angular and TypeScript — came over and asked a simple question: “Hey R, do you have an idea how to realize Reflection in TypeScript? Actually, I need to render a site a little bit differentlty based upon a set of passed types.”. Naturally, Reflection sounds like a good idea. But you know… JavaScript. 🤦‍ That’s what TypeScript is transpiled into. Having worked with TypeScript and React for a while, I suggested a few ideas from the top of my had head but soon discovered a few limits. Therefore, let’s see if we can come up with a solution to this problem using TypeScript’s inherent features. ...

February 8, 2020 · 1103 words

Measuring air quality

Air quality has a huge impact on us humans. Our blood is in direct contact with the air through our lungs. In this article we investigate the nova PM sensor of type SDS011 from inovafit, which measures PM2.5 and PM10 particles. ...

January 31, 2020 · 499 words

Getting started with offline Voice Recognition

With voice assistants becoming ubiquitous we get used to things listening to us. In this article we explore how to get a headless RaspberryPi Zero W to be our offline voice assistant. ...

January 26, 2020 · 1193 words

Getting started with Coral Edge TPUs

After reading up some nice stats on Google’s Coral Edge TPUs by Sam Sterckval at @RacoonsGroup, I got curious. Let’s see how this works. ...

January 25, 2020 · 888 words

k3s on a set of HypriotOS/RaspberryPi 3B+

In this article we have a look at k3s and how to get it running on a bunch of RPis using k3sup. Further we setup OpenFaaS and deploy one function (figlet). Edit2020.03.01: k3sup app install/info has a successor, which I didn’t try out yet, but it’s called arkade. According to the doc simply replace all k3sup app installs here with arkade install. ...

January 21, 2020 · 3091 words